
Dr. Tuan Chau

Dr. Chau was born and raised in Los Angeles. While growing up, Dr. Chau had to deal with several dental issues that needed treatment. His bite issues caused difficulties with being unable to efficiently eat and speak. Dr. Chau underwent several years of treatment including jaw surgery in order to correct these issues. Due to the improvement in his quality of life following dental treatment, as well as his interactions with countless of compassionate healthcare individuals, his interest in dentistry grew.
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Dr. Bradley Kou

Dr. Bradley Kou, originally from Markham, Canada, is a dedicated dentist who has always had a passion for serving others. He began his educational journey at Le Moyne College, where he pursued his undergraduate studies and developed a solid foundation for his future endeavors.

Driven by his desire to make a positive impact on people’s lives, Dr. Kou pursued a dental degree at Case Western Reserve University. It was during his time at dental school that he not only acquired a vast knowledge of oral healthcare but also found his wife.

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